06 October 2009

The Mike Kaiser Band

Lots of things going on in my photographic life. Documentary is posing new and difficult challenges. We are being turned into photographer-writers. Yes, that's right. We have to write in great length about the documentaries we create. It's very practical, and I will truly love it once it is learned. The process is rather painful.

We also get to start on our research project and have to have a figure to research for the presentation by tuesday. Any suggestions? I want to do someone who was into social justice but who isn't a really obvious choice like Dorothea Lange. Maybe someone from the 60's? I'm excited for this, believe it or not.

My first documentary project is completed for the most part. I mean to say that the images have been made, are finished drying and waiting to be flattened and matted. And of course written about. I'll post them once I get digital copies. I love film. It's been so good to get back in the darkroom.

I am shooting a wedding this saturday with Chris Whonsetler. Should be a good time. The last wedding I shot with him was really fun and I got some great images out of it. I'll be sure to share the pictures from saturday when they are done too!

And good news. For my commercial photo class (product) I finally had a successful photo shoot! Isn't that exciting!?

No equipment malfunctions or anything. The only problem is that my "band" isn't really a band, its really my boyfriend. He really does, however, know how to play the guitar. So that's what really counts. Plus he has got quite the photogenic face.


All images are ©Kirsten Tornes Photography
Please don't steal.


k baergen said...

oh girl.
these are incredible. what a handsome boyfriend you have.

also. eddie adams. what an amazing man.

take him into consideration for social justice. just think about it.


andendquote said...

jeremy cowart did this book:


not sure if that helps for the research thing

LOVE the double print there lady

and the sun mhmmmm

keep it coming